Tons of rad vintage iron, old skool dragsters and boats, the blues brothers (on a mission for some action!) and even a chopped van! Can't wait for the Sprint Boat Races at Marine Stadium in August!!
bitchin' Nomad in the background of that boat shot. Big Daddy Don Garlits had half his foot blown off when the transmission blew up on his old front engine dragsgter, so he moved it all to the back.
This place is... old motocross, old flat bottom race boats, heavy logs, boobs from the 60's, ice cold beer and occasionally some kustom paint. Sometimes it's cool, most of the time it's a drag. Cheers!
bitchin' Nomad in the background of that boat shot. Big Daddy Don Garlits had half his foot blown off when the transmission blew up on his old front engine dragsgter, so he moved it all to the back.